Didactic demonstrations
Illustration of didactic methods and techniques and means of application.
Selected images from piloted activities during Zoonoses Online Education – ZOE project
Photographs- Role play „The doctor and the patient”, theme E-Coli bacteria infection (EuroEd School, Iaşi)
Photographs – Role-play, theme “Visiting the doctor before travelling!”(“George Călinescu” School, Iaşi)
Photographs – Role-play, theme “Watch out for the tick bite at picnics!”(“George Călinescu” School, Iaşi)
Photographs – Role-play, theme Consultation at the vet! (“Otilia Cazimir” School, Iaşi)
Photographs – Role play, theme Insects (“Alexandru cel Bun” School, Iaşi)
Photographs – Constructive type project, theme Anopheles project (“George Călinescu” School, Iaşi)
Photographs– Cube method, theme Trichinellosis (Măluşteni school, Vaslui County)
Photographs – Learning by discovery, theme E-Coli bacteria (EuroEd school, Iaşi)
Photographs– Conceptual Map, theme healthy eating at school and at home! (“Gen. D. Dămăceanu” School, Galaţi)