Below you will find studies and exchange of best practices on ongoing programs or actions being taken to identify the most important needs in dealing with zoonoses interventions and to promote them among the lectures and students in veterinary study/practice. This section intends to propose targeted actions that contribute to reducing the risk of infectious diseases transmitted from non-human animals to humans and to provide examples of new tools for diagnosis, prevention and therapy.
Case studies:
➢ Program to determining the prevalence of Hepatitis E in Republic of Lithuania
➢ Three cases reported of Dirofilaria spp infection in dogs: diagnosis and treatment
➢ Animal Transport Guidelines Project
➢ Animal Integration in the Educational Program – ZORO
➢ Companion Animals multisectoriaL interprofessionaL Interdisciplinary Strategic Think tank On zoonoses (CALLISTO)
➢ Emerging tick-borne zoonoses in Romania: eco-epidemiology, genetic diversity and predictive models
➢ Nepal Zoonoses Control Project (NZCP)
➢ Training in innovation through the Quality System in Food Microbiological Laboratories (MicroQLab)
➢ World Hepatitis Alliance
Intervention programmes:
➢ Molecular epizootiology and epidemiology of leptospirosis and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of tick-born encephalitis in Republic of Croatia
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of Lyme Borreliosis in Republic of Croatia
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of Francisella tularensis in Republic of Croatia
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of West Nile fever in Republic of Croatia
➢ State Veterinary Monitoring Program for Animal Communicable Diseases. Salmonellosis
➢ e-Learning course on Microbiological Criteria in food of animal origin and salmonellosis control
➢ Five Keys To Safer food Manual
➢ Training in innovation through the Quality System in Food Microbiological Laboratories (MicroQLab)
➢ Workshop: Imaginary patient or doctor uninformed? Heartworm: local emerging parasitic disease
Guidance tools:
➢ Animal Transport Guidelines
➢ Animal Integration in the Educational Program – ZORO
➢ Methodological recommendations for Salmonella prophylaxis and control
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of tick-born encephalitis in Republic of Croatia
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of Francisella tularensis in Republic of Croatia
➢ Program for determining the prevalence of West Nile fever in Republic of Croatia
➢ Article: Geographic distribution of canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection in stray dogs of eastern Romania
➢ Congress Serological survey of Dirofilaria in humans from Romania and Republic of Moldova, Vienna, Austria
➢ Congress Effect of heat treatment on antigen testing of serum samples from stray dogs naturally exposed to Dirofilaria immitis and Ddirofilaria repens in Romania, Zaragoza, Spain
➢ International Conference on Prevention and control of Campylobacter in the poultry production system, Milan, August, 31, 2015